Masonic Protocol in Daughter Lodges

Presented at a meeting of Lodge Felicity #1681 on Wednesday June 23, 2010

RWM, Wor. DDGM, Distinguished Brethren all!

During the recent past it has been observed that there appears to be a dire need to remind Brethren of the practice of Scottish Freemasonry which may be conveniently described as “Scottish Masonic Protocol”.

On a recommendation of District Grand Committee it was agreed that Lodges would be asked to host Workshops on this important issue in order to sensitize Brethren of the accepted modes and in this regard we are most grateful to your Lodge for assisting in this exercise which the District considers to be of some value.

This Workshop will be in the form of a brief presentation to be followed up by questions and observations from Brethren which are expected to stimulate discussion and further expansion of the several subjects.

The matters to be addressed will relate to Protocol at Harmony; in the Temple; and any other areas that may need clarification.


  1. It is important to note that the term “HARMONY” is always to be used when referring to the after proceedings of a Lodge Meeting. The term “FESTIVE BOARD” is never to be used in a Scottish Lodge. This is English usage.
  2. As a general rule when Brethren are assembled at the Dining tables it is polite that they should not sit until the Master arrives and – in cases of Ceremonial Work- until the Candidates arrive. Mild applause is permitted to greet them.
  3. In Scottish Lodges the Director of Ceremonies or his assistant is usually in charge of the proceedings at Harmony but they must be directed by the RWM. Prior to sitting for the meal Grace ought to be said. After the meal certain Toasts are usually proposed.
  4. Seating at the Dining table is subject to certain rules. They are:a)On the occasion of an Official visit of the District the Master sits at the Head of the

Table (usually in the East). On his right sits the District Grand Master or his representative. Next to him sits any visiting DGM (Scottish) then any visiting DGMs of other Constitutions (or their representative – only if he heads a Delegation). Past District Grand Masters and Commissioned Office- bearers (Deputes and Substitutes) take precedence over visitors of other Constitutions. Special privilege is to be given to visiting DGMs or Grand Lodge Officers on any occasion.

b)Seating on the left of the Master is the prerogative of the Lodge.

c) A common breach of Protocol is committed when Brethren are selected to move a Toast. The preferred usage is to address the RWM first; the DGM without any identification except his name bearing in mind that there is only one District Grand Master- never use the appellation “Scottish Constitution”; any other visiting DGM (state Constitution) or other Officer leading an Official Delegation; “Officers and members of the District”; then Distinguished Brethren all.

d)The Toast itself should be as brief as is practical without losing sight of the intent. Care should be taken not to get carried away lest one may bore his audience but on no account should he stray from the object of the Toast. Whenever addressing a Brother of the SC it is Scottish practice that he be addressed only as “Brother ABC” without embellishment of Dr. or other title.

  2. f)  Other Toasts to VISITORS etc are to be proposed according to the practice of the Lodge. Replies are at the discretion of the RWM. It is to be noted that when a Toast is to be drunk only the Head of the Deputation is to remain seated i.e. to the Lodge – only the Master; to the District – only the DGM etc. When a reply is to be made by the Master of a visiting Lodge all members of that Lodge present ought to stand as a courtesy.

g)The Protocol of Toasts and their replies thereto, is the prerogative of the RWM who should instruct the Director of Ceremonies accordingly.

h)The District Grand Master has observed that at District visitations to a Daughter Lodge, some Brethren leave the Dining Hall without first paying their respects to the Master or his Wardens. This is impolite. Proper etiquette requires that persons who wish to leave early should so indicate before- hand instead of leaving in the middle of the proceedings, especially before the DGM replies to the toast.

There are many other matters which could be covered under this heading. But in order to achieve the purpose of the Workshop these could be raised during the discussion period.


It is instructive to note that the Constitution and Laws give a full account of how Brethren must conduct themselves in the Temple. Laws 212; 216; 220 and 227 should be noted as well as the Standing Orders in the Third Schedule.

The Styles and form of address in a Scottish Lodge will be explained during the course of discussion. For example “Worshipful”; “Right Worshipful” and “Most Worshipful” are always used when addressing the Office and not the Brother concerned. The title “Brother is always to be used with the full name or surname, when addressing a Mason in Lodge i.e. “Brother John Doe” and not “Brother John”. Also “Brother Doe, RWM” and not “RW Brother Doe”

The Regalia to be worn in Lodge is described in the Eighth Schedule – Laws 282/283. It is the prerogative of the RWM to invite any visitor to sit in the East – regardless of rank.


A comprehensive presentation on Masonic protocol was made by our I.P. District Grand Master which was delivered to Lodge Arima. Another was compiled by the Protocol Committee of District Grand Lodge: Chaired be Brother Winston Padmore Past DSGW. – a copy of which would have been passed to the Lodge. Some of these refer to Daughter Lodges as well as to the District.

These documents will be referred to in the course of the discussion which will follow.

4 thoughts on “Masonic Protocol in Daughter Lodges”

  1. Kristina Ramcharan

    Is the “Daughter Lodges” considered to be smaller extensions of the “District Grand Lodge” ?

  2. Roger Taylor Montanon

    I would like to become a freemason how can I join your organization’s can someone contact me

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